Introduction to Hadith: The “Traditions” of the Prophet Muhammad

Copyright 2001 James G. Lochtefeld, Assoc. Prof. of Religion, Carthage College.  This may be copied and duplicated for any non-commercial or educational use.

Introduction: As the final Messenger of Allah, Muhammad has a special place in the history and culture of Islam. Not only was Muhammad the leader of the Muslim community, and the vehicle through whom the Qur`an was revealed, but he was also considered, by virtue of his status as a Messenger of God, to be close to God and to be a suitable model for human behavior.  Because of this, Muhammad’s leadership guided the community while he was alive, but his example was believed to be normative long after his death.  Given this importance, the Muslim community recorded his words and actions for posterity, and as the number of these reported conversations grew exponentially in the century after his death, the community developed sophisticated methods for evaluating their veracity.  Since these Hadith were an important source for the development of Islamic law, the community had to know which traditions were reliable, and which were clearly fraudulent.  The two most important compiler/evaluators were Bukhari (d. 870 CE) and Muslim (d. 875), although four other collections are accepted by all Sunni Muslims (by al-Tirmidhi, Abu Da’ud al-Sijistani, al-Nasa’I, and Ibh Majah).  


Hadith Components: A Hadith is composed of two major parts: the text (matn) and the chain of transmission (isnad).  The matn gave the actual account of the Prophet’s words or behavior (“The Prophet said….”).  A particular Hadith’s text was usually not questioned in itself, unless it was contradicted by a more authoritative source--either the Qur`an, or a better-attested Hadith.  The isnad/chain of transmission named the people who had reported this transmission, going back to an eyewitness during the Prophet's lifetime.  The reliability of Hadith were usually judged by evaluating the chain of transmission, according to the following criteria:

One of the primary sub-disciplines used to evaluate Hadith was creating extensive biographical information for the people mentioned in the Hadith.  One reason for this was to list the “character” factors that would be necessary to be a reliable transmitter, but the biographies also listed biographical information about people’s eras and native places, contacts, travels, and personal habits.  These latter were done to help establish an unbroken isnad, since if a Hadith claimed that Person A had learned it from person B but these two people lived in different eras or regions, that Hadith was clearly unreliable.  The energy and vigor that the early Muslim community put into this is a clear sign of how important “getting this right” was to them.

Acknowledgements: The Arabic terms here (since I know very little Arabic) come from “The Science of Hadith,” an article from Perspectives posted on the USC Islamic server at Other information (primarily historical background) comes from chapter nine in Frederic Denny’s An Introduction to Islam (New York: Macmillan, 1994).